Does burning candles affect the air quality?

Does burning candles affect the air quality?

It’s that time of the year!  We spend much more time at home, it’s colder and greyer outside and we naturally want to make our space to feel homier and more relaxing. Candles are great for creating ambience, providing nice smell, making a room feel cozy with their soft light. We usually associate them with a relaxing atmosphere. But does burning candles affect the air quality? There are many factors that can affect the quality of the air while burning candles and we will tell you all about it as well as give some tips and solutions for better air quality.

Burning candles and air quality

How Candles affects the air we breathe?

When a candle burns, a series of chemical reactions take place. The basic process involves the heat from the flame vaporizing the candle wax, and this vaporized wax then reacts with oxygen to produce water vapor, carbon dioxide, and energy in the form of heat and light. While this process is fundamental to the functioning of a candle, it can have implications for indoor air quality and potentially impact health, depending on the type of candle and its components.

Candles, especially those made from paraffin wax, release a cocktail of pollutants into the air when burned. These include volatile organic compounds, such as benzene and toluene, which can have detrimental effects on respiratory health. The tiny particles emitted during combustion, known as soot or particulate matter, can also pose risks, particularly for those with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

 soy wax candles effects on the air we breathe

Which candles are safe to burn

It's essential to be mindful of the materials used in candles and their potential impact on indoor air quality. Choosing cleaner-burning options like soy or beeswax candles can be a healthier choice, especially for individuals with respiratory sensitivities or allergies.

Nowadays there are many different types of candles. Some better than others. Here is a list of most common types of candles and their effects on health, so you can see for yourself which candles are safer to burn.

1. Paraffin Candles:

Paraffin candles are made from petroleum by-products. When burned, they release potentially harmful substances such as benzene and toluene into the air.

Prolonged exposure to these chemicals may contribute to respiratory issues and irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.

2. Soy Candles:

Soy candles are crafted from soybean oil. They burn cleaner than paraffin candles and produce less soot.

Generally considered a healthier option, soy candles emit fewer toxins, reducing the risk of respiratory irritation.

3. Beeswax Candles:

These candles are made from the natural wax produced by honeybees. They have a sweet, natural scent and burn cleanly.

Beeswax candles are hypoallergenic and can even help purify the air by releasing negative ions, which may improve indoor air quality.

4. Palm Wax Candles:

Derived from palm oil, palm wax candles are known for their unique crystal-like appearance when solidified.

While considered a renewable resource, the environmental impact of palm oil cultivation is a concern. However, when burned, palm wax candles generally produce minimal soot.

5. Gel Candles:

Gel candles are made from a combination of polymer and mineral oil, providing a transparent and decorative appearance.

Gel candles may release chemicals when burned, and the additives used in the gel can contribute to indoor air pollution.

 6. Essential Oil Candles:

These candles are infused with essential oils, offering a natural and aromatic experience.

Generally considered a healthier option, essential oil candles can provide therapeutic benefits, but individuals with sensitivities should be cautious about potential allergens.

 How burning candles can affect the air you and your pets breathe

How to monitor air quality while burning candles?

That how burning candles will affect your indoor air quality depends on many factors, like how many candles you are burning, how big is the room, is it well ventilated, is there plats that create oxygen and so on. Monitoring air quality while burning candles is crucial to ensure a healthy indoor environment and avoid any health issues, like headache and respiratory problems. Best way to do that is by using CO2 meter - air quality monitor. That’s when AIRVALENT air quality monitor is a great help. It not only measures the air temperature and humidity, but also CO2 levels in your living space. No more worrying and guessing – you will have clear evidence of the air quality in your home.

Monitoring air quality while burning candles is cruital for your health

Regularly monitoring air quality and making informed decisions about candle usage will contribute to a healthier indoor environment. Air quality monitoring, good quality candles and proper ventilation can help minimize the impact of candle emissions on indoor air quality.

Elevate your living space with the perfect blend of ambiance and well-being, because every breath matters – BUY YOUR AIRVALENT CO2 AIR QUALITY MONITOR HERE.

AIRVALENT CO2 air quality monitor is very useful especially while burning candles


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